Linkedin Email list, Targeted business email list

Popular lists | Technology Lists | Healthcare Lists | Location based Lists | Industry specific Lists | Title Specific lists
Data fields are common for all b2b databases: name, title, email, phone, address, company size, industry, sic, company name and company url Database sources: We gather our information from a multitude of directory and event-driven sources, including new business filings, daily utility connections, press releases, corporate websites, annual reports, user-generated feedback, and thousands of U.S. and Canadian Yellow Page directories. And because we maintain an intimate knowledge of our sources and complete control over our compilation processes, we’re able to continually improve our methods to ensure the best data possible. Then, we do something no other data provider does. We make over 2 million calls each year to gather and verify valuable information and ensure your data is current, accurate, and relevant. Every quarterly we update our data and before delivering to our clients we check the file again.

Verified, validated, accurate and up-to-date contact details of users, customers and business professionals
Highly segmented professional database with contact details like- name and title, business contact number, physical address and email read more id, company name, size and revenue, industry, SIC code and more
Regularly updated through tele-verification to remove duplicate and inaccurate data
Enhanced b2b marketing through direct marketing, telemarketing, event marketing, online marketing campaigns and more
Mailing lists collated from public records, websites, publications, business cards, trade shows, magazine subscriptions and more.
contact us at [email protected] or +1-678-500-8387

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